Chapter 9B - TCP/IP Applications
1. Open port- Socket that is prepared to respond to IP packets destined to the packet's port number
2. POP3 - Post Office Protocol Version 3
3. Private Port Number- Web client's source number ranging from 49152 to 65535
4. Registered Port- Port numbers 1024 to 49151
5. SSH- Secure Shell
6. SSL- Secure Sockets Layer
7. Sendmail- Linux/UNIX method to send emails
8. Session- Communication between two or more computers
9. SMTP- Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
10. Socket-Session information stored in RAM
11. Socket Pairs- Data stored between two computer's TCP/IP applications
12. TCP/IP Suite- All aspects and protocols that make up TCP/IP
13. TCP Three-Way Handshake- Session information sent to two other computers from one server
14. Telnet- Protocol that can access different protocols
15. TLS- Transport Layer Security
16. TCP-- Transmission Control Protocol
17. TFTP- Trivial File Transfer Protocol
18. Unsecure Protocol- Common network vulnerabilities or threats, ex. HTTP
19. UDP- User Datagram Protocol
20. Web Services- Applications accessed on the Internet
21. Well-Known Port Number- Port numbers ranging from 0 to 1023