Monday, February 3, 2020

A+ Chapter 13 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 13 - Windows Under The Hood
  1. Networking – The interconnecting of several Computers 
  2. Regedit – A command that allows editing of the Computer’s Registry
  3. Details – The small things that really matter
  4. BCD – Boot Configuration Data
  5. Counters – Used to keep track of anything from cycles to program outputs
  6. Root keys – Registry key
  7. Performance monitor – Function that allows users to understand their computers functions
  8. Bootmgr – accessed through pressing F12 repeatedly, allows edits of boot process
  9. Performance – the degree of functionality a Computer has
  10. Task manager – A program that tracks the CPU and Data usage of Apps and Programs
  11. Processes – An instance of a program made of multiple threads
  12. Object – a digital item your computer interacts with
  13. Reliability and performance monitor – Performance monitor but better
  14. Registry – a very important history book of your Computer, don’t touch it
  15. Reg – the command in windows 10 used to access the registry
  16. Regsvr32 – Adds to Registry
  17. Taskkill – closes a program
  18. Tasklist – shows all active programs
  19. Applications – run processes
  20. Users – An active account that falls under one of the groups a PC has