Monday, February 3, 2020

A+ Chapter 21 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 21- Local Area Networking
  1. IP Address- Unique number used to identify a machine
  2. Ping- How fast data is sent from a machine to a server
  3. Router- Forwards packets
  4. TCP- Transmission Control Protocol
  5. TCP/IP Services – A service that uses Transmission control protocol/ Internet Protocol
  6. Workgroup -  A group that shares data via a local network.
  7. HomeGroup - a group of PCs on a home network that can share files and printers.
  8. Toner – Printer ink cartridges
  9. Net Command - a Command Prompt command that can be used to manage almost any aspect of a network
  10. Default Gateway- Communication between two networks
  11. Domain – A web address or website name
  12. DNS- Domain Name Service
  13. Half-Duplex – Two parties who cannot simultaneously communicate, but can communicate one at a time
  14. Full-Duplex – Two parties who simultaneously communicate
  15. Subnet Mask- Masks an IP Address
  16. Ipconfig- Command Prompt command that lists info about network adapter
  17. Nslookup – A command in command prompt used to find the ip address.
  18. Network Protocol - a set of rules establishing how network devices should format, transmit and process information.
  19. IPv4- Internet Protocol Version 4
  20. IPv6- Internet Protocol Version 6