Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Network+ Chapter 11B Power Words - Defined

Network+ Chapter 11B Power Words

  1. Integrity- Trust in a person, or software
  2. IAS- Internet Authentication Service
  3. IPsec- Internet Protocol Security
  4. Kerberos- An authentication protocol that works on the basis of tickets.
  5. KDC- Key Distribution Center
  6. Key pair- Used to decrypt and encrypt login info for Amazon
  7. LDAP- Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  8. LEAP- Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol
  9. MIB- Management Information Base
  10. MAC- Mandatory Access Control
  11. MD5- Message Digest Algorithm used to hash a 128-bit value.
  12. MS-CHAP- Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol
  13. Multifactor Authentication- Authenticating someone or something by multiple means
  14. NAS- Network Access Server
  15. NCP- Network Control Protocol
  16. NTP- Network Time Protocol
  17. Nonrepudiation- The assurance that someone cannot deny something
  18. OpenSSH- A suite of secure networking utilities
  19. PAP- Password Authentication Protocol
  20. Plaintext- text that is plain
  21. PPP- Point-to-Point Protocol
  22. PEAP- Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol
  23. SSL- Secure Sockets Layer
  24. SNMP- Simple Network Management Protocol
  25. Single Sign-on- A property of access control
  26. Stream Cipher- Symmetric key cipher where plaintext digits are combined with a keystream
  27. Symmetric-key Algorithm- Algorithms for cryptography that use the same cryptographic keys for both encryption and decryption of plaintext
  28. TACACS+- Terminal Access Control Access Control System Plus
  29. TGT- Ticket-Granting Ticket
  30. TLS- Transport Layer Security
  31. Tunnel- A way through or a path
  32. Two-factor Authorization- Multiple requirements for authorizing a user