Chapter 6 -
Installing a Physical Network
- 110 block - a type of punch block used to terminate runs of on-premises wiring in a structured cabling system
- Activity light - a small application which controls the LED light on the cover of Chromebook, this application's full functionality is only available on Dell Chromebook 11
- Attenuation - the loss of communication signal strength that is measured in decibels (dB)
- Bonding - a process of combing or joining two or more network interfaces together into a single interface
- Cable Certifier - used to verify that a cable meets its specifications such as the bandwidth and frequency
- Cable Drop - cables that run from the distribution point or cable to the subscriber/user
- Cable Tester - an electronic device used to verify the electrical connections in a signal cable or other wired assembly
- Cable Tray - used to support insulated electrical cables used for power distribution, control, and communication
- Collison Light - a situation that occurs when two distinct pieces of data have the same hash value, checksum, fingerprint, or cryptographic digest
- Continuity - efers to a completed circuit that conducts electricity
- Continuity Tester - a technique to check and verify the current flow in the electric circuit between two paths
- Crosstalk - unwanted transfer of signals between communication channels
- Customer-Premises Equipment (CPE) - telephone or other service provider equipment that is located on the customer's premises (physical location) rather than on the provider's premises or in between
- Demarc - physical point at which the public network of a telecommunications company (i.e., a phone or cable company) ends and the private network of a customer begins - this is usually where the cable physically enters a building.
- Demarc Extension - the transmission path originating from the interface of the access provider's side of a demarcation point within a premises and ending at the termination point prior to the interface of the edge Customer Premises Equipment (CPE)
- Dispersion - the extent to which a distribution is stretched or squeezed
- Environmental Monitor - the process of sampling and analyzing specific environmental media
- Equipment Rack - supporting framework that holds hardware modules
- Far-End Crosstalk (FEXT) - A measurement of crosstalk between two wire pairs taken at the far end of the line
- Horizontal Cabling - he portion of Telecommunications cabling that provides connectivity between the horizontal cross-connect and the work-area telecommunications outlet
- Intermediate Distribution Frame (IDF) - a cable rack that interconnects and manages the telecommunications wiring between an MDF and workstation devices
- Light Leakage - The unauthorized transfer of classified information from a computer or datacenter to the outside world
- Link Light - LED indicates whether a network connection exists between the card and the network
- Loopback Plug - LED indicates whether a network connection exists between the card and the network
- Loopback Test - a test in which a signal in sent from a communications device and returned (looped back) to it as a way to determine whether the device is working right or as a way to pin down a failing node in a network
- Main Distribution Frame (MDF) - a cable rack that interconnects and manages the telecommunications wiring between itself and any number of IDFs. Unlike an IDF, which connects internal lines to the MDF, the MDF connects private or public lines coming into a building with the internal network
- Mounting Bracket – bracket mounted on the wall
- Multiplexer - a method by which multiple analog or digital signals are combined into one signal over a shared medium. ... The multiplexed signal is transmitted over a communication channel such as a cable