Wednesday, February 5, 2020

A+ Chapter 28 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 28 - Securing Computers
  1. AUP – Acceptable Use Program
  2. Cable lock – Keeps a cable in place
  3. DRM – Digital Rights managements
  4. Encryptions – encrypted text.
  5. EULA – End User License agreement
  6. Pop up – A notification that pops up on your screen
  7. Drive-By-Download – Unintended download of a program.
  8. Dictionary attack – Attack that uses a table of words and takes guess’s until correct
  9. Digital encryption – Encryption that is done on a digital device
  10. Phishing – hackers use this to obtain your information
  11. CA – certificate authority
  12. Event viewer – Used just like task manager
  13. Replication – To make another copy
  14. Brute force – Uses random guesses to guess a password.
  15. Ransomware – software used to take over a computer until a certain amount of money is payed
  16. Entry control roster – Records all the entry methods taken
  17. MITM – Man in The Middle
  18. Mantrap – A trap to catch unsuspecting people
  19. Chain of custody – records the steps taking in a custody situation.
  20. Closed source software -Software you can only get if sent to you or you have permission.