Monday, February 3, 2020

A+ Chapter 18 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 18 – Virtualization
  1. Checkpoint – checkpoints save changes to virtual machines
  2. Client-side virtualization – using hypervisor installed on a client machine to run a virtual machine
  3. Community cloud – cloud network that serves a group
  4. Emulator – surface or hardware that converts commands to the hard drive
  5. Guest – an operating system inside a virtual machine
  6. Hardware virtualization support – processor for virtual machine
  7. Host – a single device that has a IP address
  8. Hybrid cloud – combination of cloud resources
  9. Hypervisor – software that allows a single computer to run multiple virtual machines
  10. IaaS – cloud hosted provider
  11. Measured service – billed in small increments
  12. On demand – Cloud resources such as a server
  13. PaaS – Cloud based virtual servers
  14. Private cloud – cloud networks built by a company
  15. Public cloud – cloud networks built by large companies
  16. Rapid elasticity – because cloud servers are powered by virtual machines
  17. Snapshot – screenshots
  18. SaaS – Cloud based service to store and update applications and programs
  19. Thin client – a system to handle very basis applications
  20. Virtual desktop – traditional OS installed in a VM. A local system could run its own Vm containing a virtual desktop