Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Network+ Chapter 9A Power Words - Defined

Network + Chapter 9A
  1. A record – A collection of Data on a Drive.
  2. Active Directory – Technology used to manage computers and other devices on a network.
  3. Authoritative DNS server – a nameserver (DNS Server) that holds the actual DNS records (A, CNAME, PTR, etc) for a particular domain/ address.
  4. Authoritative name server – Resolves DNS queries.
  5. Cached lookups – A tool used to find data in a data cache.
  6. Cache-only DNS server – Receives queries from clients, performs the queries against other name servers, caches the results, and returns those results to the client.
  7. CNAME – Canonical Name.
  8. DNS root server – Domain Name System Root Server.
  9. DNS server – Domain Name System Server.
  10. DNS tree – Domain Name System.
  11. DIG – Domain Information Grouper.
  12. DNS – Domain Name System.
  13. DDNS – Dynamic Domain Name System.
  14. Flat Name Space – A Name space without hierarchy.
  15. Forward Lookup Zone – A DNS zone in which hostname to IP address relations are stored.
  16. FQDN – Fully Qualified Domain Name.
  17. Hierarchical Name Space – A name Space that has a system to determine Hierarchy.
  18. Host Name – a simple string of alphanumeric characters.
  19. Hosts File – An operating system file that maps hostnames to IP addresses.