Thursday, January 30, 2020

A+ Chapter 7 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 7 - Motherboards
  1. Motherboard – A computers brain it connects every part of the pc to itself and makes sure information gets to its destination.
  2. Motherboard book – valuable resource for installing motherboard it gives lists for what motherboards can connect to which parts.
  3. Transfer rate – rate of data transferred between two devices which is normally transferred through the expansion bus.
  4. Traces – electronic connections in a mother board
  5. Device driver – control communications between computer and peripherals (Peripherals - are anything that connects to the outside of the pc ex. USB)
  6. Mini PCI – PCI used for laptops (PCI - ex USB)
  7. Chipset – Electronic chipset that are connected to the motherboard that handle all lower level processes in a PC
  8. Nano ITX – 4.7-inch by 4.7-inch variation on the ITX form factor
  9. AT – 802868 IBM bases computer
  10. ATX – popular motherboard standards.
  11. Burn in failure – critical failure that are normally with manufacturing defects.
  12. Catastrophic failure – Describes a failure in either a component or the whole system unable to boot.
  13. Component failure – occurs when the system device fails from manufacturing or other defects
  14. Distended capacitors - failed capacitors on the mother board that bulge out at the top
  15. Expansion bus – set of wires going to the CPU
  16. Expansion slots – connections on a motherboard that enable users to add components
  17. FlexATX – very small motherboard
  18. Form factor – Standards for organization of motherboard itself and the size of the motherboard.  
  19. ITX – a family of motherboard factors
  20. Micro ATX – Uses ATX power supply
  21. Windows hardware certification program – testing program for hardware