Thursday, January 30, 2020

A+ Chapter 6 Power Words - Defined

Chapter 6 - BIOS
  1. Chipset – Electronic chips that handle all low level processing on a PC
  2. Beep Code – Beeping sound code that will tell you problems with your pc.
  3. CMOS Clear – Using this will clear the CMOS
  4. Bootable Disk – Disk drive that can be booted in the BIOS menu.
  5. Flash ROM - You can write information to it but it wont be erased when the system is off.
  6. System Bios – Controls basic input output system.
  7. Device Drivers – These are used to tell devices that are plugged into your pc how to work.
  8. ROM- Read Only Memory 
  9. Installation Disc – Disc that is used to install a Software or OS.
  10. System Disk – Any storage device with a bootable operating system.
  11. Secure Boot – A feature that secures the boot sequence.
  12. LoJack – A tracking software put into computers.
  13. POST Card – Plug in Diagnostics card.
  14. Bootstrap Loader – Used to load software’s.
  15. Nonvolatile - Retaining data even if there is a break in the power supply.
  16. Firmware – Software programed to the read only memory
  17. Power on Self-Test – Test to see if the pc can power on
  18. (CMOS) – Complementary metal-oxide semiconductor
  19. Scan Code - Its a pattern of 1's and 0's
  20. Registry - A special database that stores everything on a windows device.